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Crafting a better future full of


for our LGBTQ youth

Get to know PECULIAR

a PECULIAR people

Based on a scriptural interpretation of "those who stand with God" a Peculiar People are faithful followers who are willing to stand for what they believe in the face of ridicule or misunderstanding.

our PECULIAR meaning

The term Peculiar applies even more aptly today to those of all faith traditions who are willing to follow their hearts and to love and support those who do not fit the mold of religious doctrine. This courage and conviction is especially critical when it comes to supporting and sustaining LGBTQ youth and young adults. Frequently they are marginalized, ridiculed, and even abused at the hands of those who do not understand the long term impact and damage that occur when a family or faith tradition does not accept or demands change from them.

our mission

To inspire, educate, and empower parents and families from faith based communities to unconditionally love and embrace their LGBTQ+ children.

our vision

We see a world where faith and the unconditional family thrive together. Through education, outreach, and community engagement we envision a world where all of our precious youth are treated with respect, dignity, and equality.

the PECULIAR need

Too often loving parents and families are left to choose between their faith tradition and loving their child who has just come out. We reject this notion and will tirelessly endeavor to support parents and families, help provide them with resources and ultimately to celebrate their own journey in creating unconditional, "peculiar" families.

Inspired by the life of Stockton Powers

The youngest of three children, Stockton was born with unique abilities to love, share emotion and befriend everyone around him. His talents included a beautiful gift for music and the arts. He was a gifted swimmer and avid snowboarder. He found joy in sharing his passions and perspectives with everyone in his orbit. He was a light to all who knew him.

After Stockton came out at age 13 he was increasingly forced inward by his faith leaders, his school friends, teachers, and even his health care providers. The divine light that he had shown as a child became dimmed and hidden. While his parents fully embraced him as a whole human, they struggled to know how to help him address his crippling loneliness and isolation. Even after pleading with their local church leaders they could not find resources to help build the bridge between supporting their precious child and their faith tradition.

Stockton took his life in June of 2016. This catastrophic loss devastated his family. As they searched for what they could have done differently and why he felt so alone, they began to make connections with other parents and families in their church community experiencing the same tragic heartbreak. Leaning on this new network, his parents began to forge a path forward. In order to survive they used their grief as a force for change. Their resolve fueled a powerful determination that the incredible lights of LGBTQ+ youth would never again be extinguished. Their unrelenting passion for crafting a better future for parents and families of faith in embracing their youth led to the creation of Peculiar.


Salt Lake City, Utah


Salt Lake City, Utah
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